Understanding Hashing

4 min readDec 9, 2023


Hashing is like a secret code for data. It’s a way to change information, such as passwords or user data, into a shorter, unique form called a hash value. This hash value is like a tag that represents the original data. The cool part is that all hash values have the same length, making them easy to organize in a compact space known as a hash table, saving memory.

Image taken from : https://www.authgear.com/post/password-hashing-salting

Why do we need hashing?

Hash values are like secret codes that cannot be changed back into the original data without a special key. Even if someone tries to access them, they can’t do much because hash values are not like regular passwords—you can’t turn them back into the original information. Unlike encryption, where you can reverse the process, hashing creates a completely new code that stays unreadable.

How Does Hashing Work?

  1. Hash Functions: Think of hash functions as special tools that take different lengths of information and turn them into short codes.
  2. Hash Values: These short codes are the hash values. They’re like name tags for data, but they’re all the same length and look like a mix of letters and numbers.
  3. Hash Tables: Hash values find a home in hash tables. These tables save a lot of space compared to the original data. The hash values act like tags, showing where specific data is kept. This makes finding information quicker and uses less computer power.

The way hashing works is based on five characteristics which guarantee security and reliability:

  1. Hash functions always make the same short code, no matter how long or short the original data is.
  2. Hashing makes codes that can’t be turned back into the original information. It’s like a secret language only understood with a special key.
  3. Hashing ensures that different information gets different codes. If two things get the same code, it’s like a rare event called a collision. We try to avoid collisions to keep things secure.
  4. Hash values can either be very different or a bit similar, depending on what we need. This choice helps make hashing more secure.
  5. Hashing not only keeps things safe but also helps computers find information quickly. It’s like a superhero that saves the day by making data storage and retrieval faster.

So, hashing is like a superhero coder that protects information and helps computers work faster — a handy friend in the digital world!

Image source: https://www.ionos.co.uk/digitalguide/websites/web-development/hashing/

Practical Applications of Hashing

Hashing isn’t just a fancy concept — it’s a powerful tool with a myriad of applications that enhance efficiency, security, and data management. Let’s dive into some real-world scenarios where hashing takes center stage:

Creation of Hash Tables
Hashing finds its stride in constructing hash tables. These tables serve as streamlined repositories, efficiently organizing and storing data with the help of hash values. By assigning specific addresses to data blocks, hash tables significantly expedite the process of searching for specific entries.

Encryption of Important Data
When it comes to safeguarding crucial information, hashing steps in to encrypt data effectively. This process transforms sensitive details into hash values, ensuring that even if unauthorized access occurs, the original information remains elusive without the corresponding decryption method.

Search for Duplicates
Hashing lends its prowess to identifying duplicates within datasets. By generating unique hash values for distinct entries, hashing helps prevent the occurrence of collisions, ensuring that each piece of data gets its own distinct digital identity.

Checksums and Digital Signatures
Hashing serves as the backbone for creating checksums and digital signatures. These digital fingerprints confirm the integrity of communications, downloads, or user authentication. Digital signatures, in particular, rely on hash values to authenticate and secure data exchanges, as exemplified by SSL/TLS encryption.

Authentication Systems
Hashing emerges as a linchpin in authentication systems. Whether creating digital fingerprints or linking user accounts and passwords, hashing ensures the security of login credentials. Passwords, for instance, are hashed, making it challenging for cybercriminals to decipher them without the corresponding method.

Hashing contributes to securing temporarily stored data in caches. By rendering websites, logins, and payment data unreadable to unauthorized users, hashing adds an extra layer of protection to sensitive information stored temporarily.

Database Management
The efficiency of hashing shines brightly in the realm of database management. Hash values streamline data retrieval, making it quicker and more resource-efficient. This not only enhances the performance of databases but also optimizes storage space.

In essence, hashing isn’t just a cryptographic concept — it’s a versatile tool that empowers various facets of digital operations, making them more secure, efficient, and resilient.

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